TeamSnap Team

[RELEASED] A new time saving tool: copy registration forms

AUTHOR: TeamSnap Team

We're excited to introduce a highly requested (and anticipated) capability on TeamSnap for Business: the ability to copy registration forms and use them for next season.  Now with just a few clicks, you can effortlessly duplicate registration forms, saving time and ensuring a consistent experience. It’s easier than ever to build a new registration form using the setup wizard, OR if you’ve used one in a different program, you can now copy that into your new program to use for your upcoming season.

Effortless Duplication: Say goodbye to manual form recreation. Easily duplicate any registration form with functionality to configure program, season, and many registration details.
Streamlined Workflow: Reduce the time and effort spent on repetitive data entry. Perfect for recurring events, training sessions, or programs/divisions with similar registration requirements.
Improved Efficiency: Increase your productivity by automating the form copying process, leaving more time for strategic initiatives.

Bring your favorite registration forms to any season in any program! Learn more.

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