TeamSnap Team
Registration Member Management

[RELEASED] NEW Digital Agreements & Waiver Formatting

AUTHOR: TeamSnap Team

We're excited to introduce you to the NEW digital agreements and waiver formatting in the new registration on TeamSnap for Business. With this release you now have more control and flexibility over how digital agreements look to registrants, and can really customize their look.

As you build out your registration, getting to the Form Builder step you’ll continue to Digital Agreements where you will be able to add or create any required forms you’d like registrants to acknowledge or sign before the season gets started. It’s common for waivers or code of conducts to be used here. There you’ll see this NEW formatting bar at the top of the text box , that includes a number of helpful tools to better structure, format, and organize your content for easy consumption.

New formatting features:

  • Preset paragraph font and heading sizes

  • Traditional bold, italic and underline styles

  • Change text colors and highlights

  • Bulleted and numbered lists

  • Hyperlinks

  • Paragraph centering and right/left justification

To improve how your confirmation messages look, we’ve also added the new formatting features to your confirmation message editor.

Here's a quick video showing you how it works.

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